
The 2020 Keyword Research Guide for SEO

Keyword Research

Welcome to another article related to SEO keyword research. today in this article we are going to cover what is the keyword research importance of keyword research and how you can do keyword research for free.

In this article, we will also be going to cover some of the best keyword research tools which are completely free. let’s begin.

SEO keyword research

what is keyword research:

The keyword is nothing but just a command which we give to the search engine to find the same content. and the search engine shows the same content to you where your keyword has matched.  if the keyword gets matched with any title, the search engine puts the information in front of your screen.

Keyword Research

Everyone wants that their keyword should be rank higher in Google. Google shows only that keyword on the top which has the same title in their article.

Importance of keyword research in 2020

Today’s everyone wants that high traffic on their website. for selling their services and for getting earned with Google AdSense. but this is not possible that everyone is able to rank higher on Google.

There are some tactics you use them you can easily rank higher in Google.

One of the best tactics is keyword research for ranking higher in Google. keyword research is the most important thing for being on Google’s first page.

How keyword research tactic works

Keyword research plays an important role in ranking higher on Google.  a good keyword can bring your site on the first of the search engine.

When you type keyword in the search bar of any search engine. search engines set their algorithm to find which article has a similar title. then Google tracks the numbers of visitors or traffic on that article. and then Google set their Search engine result page (SERP)  on the basis of the DA & PA score.

I hope you are got to understand how much keyword research is important for getting higher on Google.

Top 5 best keyword tools and these are completely free:

  1. Google keyword planner
  2. Ahrefs
  3. Semrush
  4. quora
  5. Google trend

how to use keyword research tools

The keyword research tool helps you to discover new keywords. and it gives an idea of your keywords. and put your keyword in keyword research tools and it shows you more keywords by relevancy and average monthly search volume. every keyword research tools show the SEO difficulty (SD)  and cost per click (CPC). You can see the picture which mentions below.

Keyword Research

If you are a beginner in the blogging industry. then you have to choose a low CPC keyword and less SEO difficulty keyword. if you choose a high CPC keyword then your it’s just a worthless.

Where everyone’s is not looking you should look there. it means work on a unique keyword for getting the best response by Google.

Importance feature of keyword research tools

  • Use keyword research tools to discover new keyword
  • Use keyword research tools to check monthly searches volume
  • Use keyword research tools to track your competitor’s keyword
  • Use keyword research tools to place the right keyword
  • Use keyword research tools to check SEO difficulty
  • Use keyword research tools to check CPC for specific Country
  • Use keyword research tools to monitor keyword BID (low to High)

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