
How to Rank Website on Top in Google

Rank Website

While the design, appearance, ease of use, and other such factors are vital when having a website, these alone may not be able to serve the purpose for which the websites are hosted on the internet Rank Website. Quality traffic on a regular and continuous basis is extremely important.

Rank Website

This cannot happen unless you are able to come out with the right digital marketing campaign. You will have to take steps to rank websites high on the list without which there is every possibility of even the best of websites dying a natural death. We will look at the various ways by which you can bring your website top in Google so that you are able to get quality traffic. The traffic generated on such websites has a good chance of getting converted into quality leads.

Title Tags & Target Keywords


You must understand the importance of target keywords being a part of title tags. This is what good SEO campaign is all about and this is what the latest Google algorithms also look out for. If you are able to select the right keyword and have them as a part of the title tags, it will not be long before you will be able to see a reasonably large amount of traffic coming to your website. On the other hand absence of keyword enriched title tags could lead a slow and gradual death of your website even if it has the best of contents as far as the pages are concerned.

The title is important because of a number of reasons. The right content with the right keyword combination will be able to define your content better. Google and its ranking system give lot of importance to this aspect. Hence, we would advise that you pay attention to the various aspects of selecting the right keyword that is relevant and competitive. There are many tools available that make this possible.

Rank Website Keyword In The First 100 Words

It always makes much better sense to place the keywords within the first 100 words. There are many contents where competitive keywords can be easily accommodated in the first 100 words. There are many content writers who would like to go in for a long keyword before inserting the keywords. This is not the right way forward because of some obvious reasons. Google may tend to skip these keywords and may find it irrelevant altogether.

The Importance of Outbound Links

We often tend to forget that outbound links are extremely important. They are supposed to be the primary source when it comes to bringing more attention and eventually more traffic to the website. Outbound links makes Google understand that the article is authentic, informative and valid. Therefore you will be able to make your website and its content extremely relevant and this will without any doubt bring in more traffic, over a period of time.

Summing Up

Apart from the above, you should try and put your target keyword as a part of the URL. You have to bear in mind that keywords are the main components of any on-page SEO campaign. Further, you also must find out ways and means to add keywords strategically instead of just stuffing them all over the place.

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