
Types of advertising on the Internet: web advertising

web advertising
What types of online advertising

Welcome to another article about technology. Today we are sharing some basic information about what type of web advertising is running on the Internet, some effective web ad formats, and how to create more effective online advertising to get more traffic.

Today everyone is ready to start a new e-commerce business and they are not very familiar with advertising. So this article is for those who want to start their business and drive more traffic to their website. We are sure that this article will help you understand e-advertising better.

web advertising
What types of online advertising

1. Search Engine marketing

the search engine that may include various types of content or services like product information or services. A high volume of user traffic makes advertising profitable and allows for the diversification of site services. A personal portal allows the user to customize the interface and content. Examples: google, bing, yahoo.


 Search engines use this idea but are related to the keywords entered in the ad-related query. For example, if someone searches for information about the holidays, an advertisement for a hotel chain is placed on the page alongside the search results. Advertising can be further targeted based on the user performing the search.

2. classifieds

List of items for sale or wanted for purchase. Listening fees are common but there may be a membership fee.

User and Registration based

A content-based site that provides free access to the user, but requires the user to submit demographic details via a registration example: newspaper site, technology site

4. Query-Based Payment Placement-

 Selling friendly links such as sponsoring links or sponsoring ads for particular search terms in a user’s query. Examples; Google

5. Contextual Advertising:

Freeware developers who bundle ads with their product, for example, install a browser extension that fills authentication and forms and distributes ad links or pop-ups as users appear on the web.

Different types of effective web advertising formats:

  1. Banner ads

The advertisement appears at the top of a web page. Generally, you can see banner ads on the new paper site or any other informative website. It should be placed on the right or left side of the article.

2. vertical column ads

On a frame web page position with frequently requested content as sponsorship

3. Pop-up window ads

The way a Java Script opens a browser window with an advertisement, it is shown above your window screen. Like a notification.

4. Display ads

Full-screen ads that appear on a web browser while a page is loading

5. Advertising

Content-based advertising content related to an article or other site

6. Informal

Animated full-screen ads are placed at the entrance of the website before the user reaches the intended content

7. Ultramarial

Interactive online advertisements require that users respond intermittently to fade through the message before reaching the intended content.

How to create more effective online advertising

  1. Rich advertising content through sight, sound, and motion
  2. More information on large files
  3. More Interactivity
  4. Large screen size
  5. Main Screen Status
  6. Without Content Contest
  7. Unreliable advertising and reporting to enable each ad to sell its advertising ROI – impressions, interactivity, brand
  8. Accurate Hearing Measurement
  9. Meaningful user goals
  10. A cost-effective advertising model with rates can reflect advertiser value


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