
Making Modeling Curtain in 3ds Max: Step By Step Guide

Making Modeling Curtain

Welcome to another article related to Technology. In this article, we are going to share with you an easy technique to Making Modeling Curtain using 3ds max. we are going to guide you step by step to make it simple.

using this simple method you will be able to make a curtain and mattress in 3ds max.

How to make a mattress in 3ds max

Making Modeling Curtain

Step by step method-

  1. Make a chamfer box in 3ds max
  2. Convert the chamfer box in editable poly ( for that click right click on the mouse and go to editable poly(
  3. Select vertex ( select the vertex but make sure you have to select it by leaving one vertex like select 1st and leave 2nd one then again select 1st and leave the other one )
  4. And tap on the Connect for the connecting it all together
  5. Take the Chamfer size as per the requirements
  6. Now go to Edge > chamfer
  7. Move it down all the vertex using the cursor
  8. Now Select polygon in the max
  9. And Extrude it (downside )
  10. Use front view + f3 ( wireframe)
  11. Scale ( up to pinpoint )
  12. Vertex > select another vertex
  13. Move it upside
  14. Now go to Modifier > turbo smooth

How to create a curtain in 3ds max

  1. Make box in front view ( for a steel rod of a curtain  )
  • Give length – 3”
  • Width – 10”
  • Height – 3”
  1. Take the plan to create in front view
  • Give length – 11’
  • Width –  8’
  1. Move plane in the center to the rod
  • Give segment Length – 25
  • Width –  25
  1. Cloth modifier
  • Select group
  • Select vertex ( 2 rows )
  • Make group
  • Tap Node
  • Select rod
  1. Cloth
  • Object property
  • Plane (select)
  • Preset (cotton )
  1. simulate scale
  •     Choose scale (change length )

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