
Make Money Online with Instagram 2020 A Complete Guide

Make Money Online with Instagram

Make Money Online with Instagram is a visually rich platform dominated by images over the content. While this makes it harder to create marketing content, it is an ideal platform for engaging images. That is arguably its strength, given that we are a visual species. But how can you monetize it? Here are the three main ways you can make money online with Instagram.

Make Money Online with Instagram Become an Influencer

Make Money Online with Instagram

Instagram probably has the highest ratio of influencers to users of any social media platform. You can find reams of jokes about people posting pictures of themselves in bikinis and dangerous positions. However, this gets views. If you have a regular following, you may be able to make money posting sponsored content.

In this case, the brands seek you out and offer you money or a portion of the revenue if you post the content they create. You might need to post related images like pictures of you posing with their item or using it in some way.

Read More:- How to make money online from Facebook

Read More:- How to make money on YouTube

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketers sell someone else’s product in exchange for a percentage of the sale price. One of the benefits of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to have something to sell. Furthermore, you aren’t going to be involved in the order fulfillment process. All you have to do is market it. Another benefit of affiliate marketing is a wide array of options. You can market anything. The challenge is finding the right products to promote because people won’t buy them if it isn’t a good fit.

If your Instagram feed is full of photos of homemade meals, you could post affiliate links to meal-planning services or dishware companies. You could curate lists of recommended ingredients and encourage people to buy it through the Amazon affiliate link. If you’re into fitness or beauty, it is easy to sell these items through an affiliate program.

Be careful not to make too many promotional posts, or you’ll start losing your audience. Be tactful in how you promote the affiliate link, too. For example, create high-quality images of the product in use and then include a clear call to action like, “swipe up to order using my affiliate link”. You can use this approach with everything from books you recommend to beauty products to dog food.

Sell Your Own Products

You can use Instagram to sell your own products. Furthermore, this is more than selling items like Mary Kay and Scentsy products in return for a commission, though you can certainly use Instagram for that, as well. For example, you could sell handicrafts through Instagram. It would be similar to selling items on eBay but the listings are dominated by pictures of the product.

Instagram won’t let you list items others can bid on, but you can make it clear in the image description that the items are up for sale. Instagram is perfect for real estate and other big-ticket items where people want a virtual tour before they decide to buy.

Don’t forget to set up a business Instagram account and connect it with your website, so that Instagram funnels people to your online store or your homepage. Use consistent branding across your social media profiles, and include your handle in images so that you’re promoting your business even when others share the graphic.

If you’re selling your own products on Instagram, know that you’re responsible for the business side of things. Make sure you fulfill orders in a timely manner and protect products from damage during shipment.


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