
Simple terms used in digital marketing

digital marketing

digital marketing

Welcome to another article related to digital marketing. Today we are going to share some important words which are mainly used in digital marketing. We are going through the definition and how they work. We will describe in simple terms, to understand easily.

digital marketing

Page view

These terms refer to the number of views on different pages served per day. A company that pays for ads posted on a web page may be interested in the number of times that ad is viewed by the visitors. Very popular sites who have a good domain sore enough monthly traffic can display a  hundred million page views per day.

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR measures the percentage of users who not only get there, but also see an online advertisement, but must click on the ad to go to the web page that is linked to the back of the web page. This metric is more oriented towards assessing the impact of online advertising. If the message in the banner ad is very common, it can attract a large number of clicks by visitors.

Then a more specific message in the banner ad, it can attract a larger number of clicks than a more specific message. However, users who respond to more specific messages are more interested in advertising the product than those who react to a more general message.

In simple words, the click-through rate is how much your ads have been shown to the visitors divided by how many clicks they have received by visitors.

Unique Visitors

UV  indicates how many UNIQUE people visited a website during a certain period of time. it is more important to get how many UNIQUE  visitors you are getting on your site. then the total number of visitors, you have received during a certain period. it is important to know about how many people are coming back to your site after visiting its first time it indicates that you have good content quality on your site.

and unique visitors are your new visitor if they like your content they will be your permanent visitors and they will come back definitely.

Revenue throughout

revenue throughput is a business-oriented metric that measures the number of dollars received in a day from a sales form Trend e-commerce site.

This measure succinctly represents customers’ satisfaction with site behavior, which makes the customer happy with the quality of services or products of an e-business site, who will shop at the web store, and increase revenue flow.


The term blog refers to the platform where you are sharing your thoughts and experiences. You can do such as the educational category, technology category, and you can share tips and tricks as a beginner guide. There are many websites that are available on the internet today and people still like to come to the blog and read. Because there are many blogs that are written by professionals and mentors.

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