
Coronavirus Covid19 positive & negative impact globally

Coronavirus Covid19

Welcome to another article on our blog in this article, we are going to cover how the COVID pandemic affected our universe. how the coronavirus is impacting the environment and how does coronavirus affected the education system and how the ecosystem get impacted by a coronavirus. And what is the negative impact the world is facing from the COVID crisis?

Coronavirus Covid19

The coronavirus pandemic which was first detected in china has now infected 188 countries people. These pandemic increasing day by day all around the world. America is a country that affected most from the crisis and still, it’s ranking 1st positioning in the COVID case. and that number is increasing day by day.

There are many countries that officially declared there will be lockdown until the crisis will end. so that people will stay at home.

1. The education system is encouraging to teach online to the students

The education system is encouraging to teach online Because of this COVID pandemic, now it’s unsafe to go to schools or universities In such a crisis situation, the question comes that how do we go to school so the suggestion of online studies came from the government. but it is far better than to tech offline.  Online education develops the skills of students. and it’s not should end after the end of the crisis. it should make them part of our education system.

2. The positive impact of the coronavirus on the climate

Now the whole world is quiet, there is no activity, no vehicles are running, all industries are closed. In such a situation, the air has become pure. The water of the rivers is clear as the factory is closed. The stars are visible with naked eyes at night or even the Himalayan hills are visible from the Punjab of India.

3. Countries becoming more cashless and independent in this crisis

Coronavirus brings not everything bad things. It made countries more cashless and independent. the whole world is fighting with coronavirus and some countries trying their best to defeat it.

4. People are becoming more health-conscious

To increase immunity, people are becoming aware of and are avoiding consuming outside things. people Making Yoga an important part of their life.

The negative impact of coronavirus

Positive as well as negative effects Like a falling economy unemployment starvation The arrival of zero in the country. This disease has completely changed the life of the common man today. Humans were not allowed to remain locked at home, but today it has happened. It is losing its sobriety due to corruption. Life has shrunk today.



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